No claims are made that any of the ingredients or products presented herein will cure any disease or condition. The information presented in this website is meant for educational purposes and is not to be considered a statement of proven medical facts. Additionally, it is not meant to serve as medical advice. It is historical information as well as a collection of opinions and observations. We believe that people have a right to their opinions. Consult with your doctor before pregnancy.

Submitted by Lania Victoria Royal Duncanson

In June of 2000, approximately three months before my wedding, my gynecologist, Dr. Nicholson, performed a routine breast exam. He told me that there was a lump in my right breast the size of a golf ball. He said due to the size and aggressive growth, we could skip the mammogram, and referred me to a doctor to get it surgically removed. My fiancée and I were alarmed. Being a person of faith, I called my Church to ask the intercessors to pray for me. The head intercessory told me that the Lord said I should be drinking some kind of tea. She didn’t know what kind, but the Lord would reveal it. Several days later, someone from my Church told me about God’s Herbal Blessing tea. I purchased two gallons of tea and called Minister Jones, who reassured me that if I drank five eight ounce cups a day, my lump would soon dissolve. Instead I drank six twelve ounce cups a day (you cannot overdose on this tea), and I soaked a cloth in the tea and applied it to my breast. The lump was totally dissolved in seven days. I was reexamined by two doctors, who confirmed my total healing. In fact, Dr. Nicholson, who had originally found the lump, was shocked to find out that I had not had the surgery when he could not find the lump.

I have not experienced any side effects from drinking the tea with the exception of positive side effects. In fact, in addition to dissolving the lump in my breast, and freeing me from breast cancer, the tea gave me seven benefits. The tea healed me of gum disease, bleeding gums, female depression, hearing impairment in the right ear, PMS, brittle hair and dandruff, and healed scars sustained in a car accident from 1993. My husband drank the tea because he wanted to know what I was drinking. As a result, he has been totally healed of allergy problems and soreness of the knees.

In addition, on July 22, 2001, I received a concussion and swelling of the head from a car accident. I was a passenger in a taxicab. When the car hit us, my head went into the glass partition in the cab. The police and paramedics urged me to take the ambulance ride to the hospital to undergo a battery of tests. But, I signed a waiver and rejected their offer because I knew my best treatment was sitting in the refrigerator at home. My husband was very concerned when he arrived home that night from out of town, that my head was swollen and felt feverish. But after drinking 4-5 glasses of tea as directed by Minister Jones, I was perfectly healthy by the following day.

Submitted by Russell White

Dear Minister Jones,

I had to write you to tell you my story after drinking your tea. My name is Rusty James White, and in October, 1999, I was awaken in the middle of the night with chest pains. My wife called the emergency squad because she thought that I was having a heart attack. When the emergency squad arrived, they checked me for a heart attack but they couldn’t find anything wrong with my heart, so I asked to be taken to the emergency room anyway, because the pain was so severe that I was sweating and weak. When I arrived at the emergency room, the doctor that helped me was just there helping out, he was waiting for his wife who was a nurse in the emergency room and she was running late because of all the emergencies that they had that night. He took me and checked me out, because he was an onocologist and had seen so much cancer, he suspected something was not right with my lung, so he ordered XRays of my lung and saw a big mass on my right lung. He told me and my wife that it looked like cancer to him and he referred me to a Pulmonary doctor. The Pulmonary doctor ran a CT Scan and discovered a lot of fluid around my lung, he called me in to drain the fluid. After it was drained, he took another XRay and found spots on my lung. He drained the fluid 2 more times before he admitted me in the hospital and hooked me up to a machine that drained the fluid 24 hours a day for a week. They ran tests on the fluid and they put a camera in my chest and took pictures of my lungs. When the pictures came back it showed tumors on my lungs, and they took a piece for biopsy and discovered that it was malignant. The doctor consulted another onocologist and ran tests and discovered that the cancer was going into the 4th stage and it had reached my pancreas, the only thing they could do was chemotherapy and they couldn’t promise that I would live three months, the most that they could give me was 6 months.

I decided not to have the chemotherapy and they said there was nothing else they could do for me, they would have to send me home and put me in Hospice care. I was weighing 135 lbs. and I was losing weight fast, I went down to 116 lbs. in one week. When my wife called our pastor, he went to the hospital and prayed for me. He told my wife that we were not going to accept this cancer, we were going to pray for a healing. He would not let us talk about dying or funeral arrangements. When I went home I was so weak and doing so bad that the Hospice nurse told my wife to start making my funeral arrangements. My band members were devastated and they came over and surrounded me with a prayer vigil. I felt the power of God and I told them that they were going to see a miracle. The next day my wife took me to the doctor and when we got home my pastor had put an article about Pastor Jones miracle tea in our mailbox. We read the article and decided that at this point we had nothing to lose. We called Florida and lucked up and talked to Pastor Jones. He told my wife if I drunk 4 8oz. glasses a day within a week I would tell how I felt. Three days after drinking the tea my wife came home and I had taken out our old bathroom floor and put in a new one and was looking for something else to do. My wife and son were astounded!

My wife called our pastor and he took us to The Nature’s Own Herb Shop to pickup another gallon. The owner of the shop told me if I drink the tea like I had been doing, in 3 months all the tumors on my lung would be gone. The end of April, 2000 was the end of the 3 months of drinking the tea and the end of my six months that the doctors had given me to live. I went back to the doctor to have another XRay and all the tumors are gone. My doctor just “Don’t Know What To Say”! Everybody that saw me in November in the hospital and see me now are dumbfounded! They know that I’m truly a walking miracle! I want to thank God first for giving me a second chance to live. Then, I want to thank my minister Pastor Michael Bryant of Jones Memorial Baptist Church for bringing me the article regarding Pastor Jones tea and last but not least I want to thank you Minister Sylvestor Jones for being available to God to give you the ingredients to create this miracle tea, it is truly a blessing to so many sick people. I believe that God is working thru you to help heal the sick.

I’m willing to talk to anyone about my experience with your tea, you are welcome to give them my phone number or my email address listed below.

May Peace be unto you!
Rusty James White