No claims are made that any of the ingredients or products presented herein will cure any disease or condition. The information presented in this website is meant for educational purposes and is not to be considered a statement of proven medical facts. Additionally, it is not meant to serve as medical advice. It is historical information as well as a collection of opinions and observations. We believe that people have a right to their opinions. Consult with your doctor before pregnancy.

God's Herbal Blessing Tea

In 1995 at West Florida Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, a family kept vigil at the bedside of their son who was stricken with AIDS. His case was advanced to the “full-blown” state. The young man’s T-cell count had dropped down to 13,200 and below that is considered dangerous. He had pneumosystic pneumonia, a brain and liver infection connected to the virus, sores all over his body, and his digestive system had completely shut down. He was literally skin and bones, his condition had deteriorated to the point where he could not speak, open his eyes or feed himself; he could only take nourishment through a feeder tube and he had curled into the fetal position. His doctors left his bedside and told the family, “Get his living will in order quickly, his time is short,” as in a few days.

When all hopes seemed lost, the family remembered hearing Minister Sylvester Jones, a local minister who had developed an herbal tea that was healing people of various diseases. They contacted him and he explained how his tea could help their son, and considering the doctor’s dangerous diagnosis, they had nothing to lose. When they approached the doctor handling their son’s case, he refused to allow the tea to be administered to him, his reasoning was “There is nothing that can change his condition.” To honor the wishes of the young man’s parents, the hospital assigned another doctor who allowed the tea to be poured into his feeder tube.

Minister Jones instructed the parents to have the nurses to pour 5 cups of his tea every day in their son’s feeder tube. After one and a half weeks the young man came out of his fetal position and in the second week he opened his eyes, spat out his feeder tube and asked the nurses for solid food. It was the first time in weeks that he was able to eat anything solid. His strength came back and after sticking with Minister Jones’ daily regimen of herbal tea for little over one year, his weight went from 122 lbs. to 175lbs. Today he weighs over 200 lbs. and he does not have a trace of the AIDS virus in his system. The young man is now leading a healthy, normal life, he says, “I feel good, just like my old self.” He has regained his appetite, has no fevers or irregular bowel movements, and his energy level is vibrant. His medical records can verify his condition before and after Minister Jones’ treatment.

For Minister Jones, the results of his story did not come as a surprise. He has seen this happen since 1984 when he first developed the tea. Thousands of individuals have used the tea and he says the he has not encountered any condition that the tea was not able to treat. He has successfully treated diabetes, emphysema, hypertension, heart conditions and over 135 other medical conditions. He calls his tea “God’s Herbal Blessing Tea”, he says, “Because God gave me the formula for it in dreams and visions”. For one year he revealed to me the right combination of herbs and the correct preparation process to make it work. I would be sleeping, driving, walking and then a specific herb would suddenly come in my mind and stay there until I looked it up and cataloged it. This tea destroys any impure cell through-out the body, as well as expels all accumulated waste and parasites from the arteries, veins and digestive system. Because it is completely natural there is no danger of side effects or over-dosing and it contains naturally, safe, steroids for muscle and strength development. “It is a complete food to nourish the whole body.”

Although this may sound far-fetched to some, to the many individuals that have benefited from his tea, it sounds like music to their ears. He has also successfully treated cancer patients at the brink of death such as, Ms. Bessie Williams of Pensacola, Florida, a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer who went home to die. She was also diagnosed with blood clots, silicone poisoning and borderline diabetes. When she took the tea, the cancer and all the other conditions were completely eliminated. Ms Pauline Shoop, a 77 year old woman was diagnosed with a serious heart condition and emphysema. Her doctor told her family that she had only 14 hours to live. Her son drove straight from Florida to Quincy, Illinois with the tea and gave it to her. It immediately arrested her condition and started healing her. Later her doctor told her that she has the heart of an 18 year old and he released her from his care. Mrs. Shoop is doing fine and is willing to talk to anyone about the impact the Minister Jones’s tea has had on her health. A local minister in Atlanta observed the tea improve his wife’s condition, that she developed from a stroke, within 24 hours of taking it. Minister Jones believes that his tea can regenerate nerve endings, since he personally experienced it after an automobile accident, as well as brain cells.

The first person who used his tea, besides himself, was his mother-in-law who had malignant breast cancer that the tea cleared up. He has also treated and cleared up colon cancer, tumors, impotence, glaucoma, genital herpes, arthritis and other numerous ailments with “God’s Herbal Blessing Tea.” Other people have seen their flu symptoms eliminated within hours after taking it. He has even seen his tea improve the memory of older people and the intellectual development of children, whom he calls his “Herbal Babies,” because their mental development is accelerated beyond the norm. His daughter attends private school and she has consistently scored the highest grade point average out of her entire class for the past 7 years.

While there is a tendency to be skeptical about this information, Florida State health officials are amazed and compelled to allow Minister Jones to sell his tea because it does what it says it will do. Minister Jones has the names of a number of the individuals that have used his product, along with their medical records and they seem only too willing to tell anyone who will listen about the good his tea has done for them. This could be the dawn of a major breakthrough to eliminate diseases that have plagued mankind recently and for centuries. If that is the case then next Nobel Prize for Medicine should not go to a person with impressive academic credentials, but to an ordinary man who could hear the voice of God.

A Unique Formulation

This formula contains five primary herbs that have been traditionally used in Native American medicine and early Folk Medicine, to powerfully promote healing of the body and address severe, complicated health disturbances (Moerman, 2009, Jones, 2011, Vogel, 1970). In this website, historical documentation will illuminate some of the herbal wisdom they possessed and it is hoped that the reader will gain further appreciation of the great sophistication of earlier societies in the healing arts. It is our sincere desire to educate all who wish to learn about how plants can play a central role in the restoration of balance in the body.

The five primary herbs in the God’s Herbal Blessing Tea formula combine during the cooking process in a very special way. It is recognized in Chinese Medical herbal teachings, that a particular unique quality is developed when herbs are combined. Those qualities are derived from their chemical constituents, their flavor, the part of the plant that is used and their energetic properties or personalities. Each of these five featured herbs are traditionally* known to cleanse the blood of impurities such as poisons, pathogens and infections.  They have been used for conditions in the teeth, intestines, skin, reproductive system, liver and respiratory system. Learning about these five herbs and how they were traditionally used is a process of learning about and connecting with an element of world history that connects people from all walks of life as every land had its own herbal tradition.

God’s Herbal Blessing Tea is a great representative of herbs that were historically used to address some of the most severe health challenges.  Old Path Natural Herbs and The Naam Tea Company are continuing that tradition by offering this formulation to the public.

The Art and Mastery of Developing an Herbal Formula

The history of the herbs that are provided in this website are meant to provide the reader tools for understanding this inspired tea. In the early U.S., herbal knowledge was derived from the various Native American tribes, imported European and African herbal proficiency. Additionally, many plants used in this formula were indigenous to the American continent and others were introduced by the many immigrants.  The practice of herbal medicine often informally combined the wisdom from various traditions according to each individual’s condition and resources.  Herbal medicine was and still is utilized by the average individual by following the practices they learned from family and community members. It is frequently applied by using one herb or a combination of herbs that are known to be used for various conditions. A trained and proficient herbalist is able to draw upon a much richer understanding of health, disease, nature, and the many therapeutic applications. Real mastery of herbal medicine is demonstrated in the way herbs are combined, how they are prepared and the ratio of each herb in the formula. It comes from individuals who draw upon deep inspiration, experience and learning. The tea that was developed by Minister Sylvester Jones is an example of one such formula. We encourage everyone to read the story of the tea and to listen to the numerous testimonials.

*Traditionally refers to various indigenous or ancient medical systems such as those of the Native Americans, the Chinese, Folk medicine of Europe, African herbalists and Indians from India. For the purpose of this website, the word traditional will always refer to this meaning. 

Historical Usage Summary

The herbs in this formula were commonly recommended for the following:

  • Reducing dental pain and tonifying the gums
  • Killing worms
  • Cleaning the urinary tract
  • Healing the skin from wounds, bites and infections
  • Reproductive disorders
  • Fighting chronic intermittent fevers
  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels
  • Promote strong spleen health
  • Support digestion and bowel function (gently reducing constipation, fighting parasites and other pathogens)
  • Tonifying general health (this formula is designed to improve the body’s strength)
  • Neutralizing various conditions of musculo-skeletal pain
  • Benefiting the ability to fight and prevent infections
  • Improving cardiovascular health
  • Conditions with copious mucus in the lungs and nose
  • Throat swelling and pain
  • Liver and gallbladder congestion
  • Alleviating pain and gas in the digestive system
  • Reducing headache
  • Preventing and treating nausea