The 5 Powerful Healing Ingredients of God’s Herbal Blessing Tea

Do you believe in miracles? Do you want to believe in miracles, but have just never seen one up close? The reason I ask these questions is because at Naam Tea we hear incredible reports of healing every day from people using the tea. Doctors are stunned as patients have speedy and unexpected recoveries. It’s truly miraculous.

The formula for God’s Herbal Blessing Tea addresses so many different ailments that it leads many people to ask the question, “How does it do all that?” So let’s take a look at the healing benefits of the ingredients. Of course, this will have to be an overview or this post would be 12 pages long and you’d never read anything from us ever again.

Echinacea Root 

Though long thought of as a natural cold remedy, Echinacea Root has an impressive list of health benefits that few realize. Here are a few: Echinacea Root boosts the immune system, promotes healthy cell growth, facilitates oxygen transport in the blood, supports oral health, alleviates aches and pains, promotes respiratory health, provides an ample supply of antioxidants and encourages healthy skin. Not bad for an unassuming root.

Butternut Bark 

Butternut Bark contains tannins, fixed oils, essential oils and juglandic acid all cultivated for their medicinal properties. The fantastic news is that if you have any digestive issues at all, Butternut Bark may be the answer. Butternut bark has laxative, digestive, vermifuge, intestinal, stomachic, and antispasmodic properties. Here are a few other conditions it helps: Rheumatic pain, arthritic joint pain, dysentery, constipation, headaches, wounds, skin problems, eye inflammations such as blepharitis and conjunctivitis, digestion, tonic for poor appetite, liver stimulant, and applied topically to aid skin diseases. Powerful stuff!

Apple Tree Bark

The bark of the apple tree possess cooling properties that make it useful in a number of conditions such as hyperacidity, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach upset, digestion, diarrhea and sore throat. Apple Tree Bark also enhances lymphatic circulation and helps to reduce an enlarged spleen. An apple a day…


Not just to flavor gum my friend. Spearmint is commonly used to enhance the taste of many everyday products like toothpaste and mouthwash, but it also many health benefits including: protecting your mouth from bacteria and infections, alleviating congestion, irritation and other respiratory conditions, aids in digestion while helping to prevent nausea, bloating and vomiting, stimulates the endocrine system to optimize hormone balance, improves circulation, aids in heart health and helps relieve stress.   Spearmint is a very strong and versatile herb.

White Oak Bark

The earliest uses for White Oak Bark were to treat wounds and skin problems, but soon it was discovered that when used as a tea it could aid in digestion. Also, the high level of tannins help to shrink the body’s tissue making White Oak Bark a natural anti-inflammatory. Here are a few other benefits: antiseptic properties help fight against urinary tract infections, vaginal infections and dysentery, aids bladder health, oral health and respiratory health.

The combination of these powerful ingredients in the correct proportions with the proper preparation provides the maximum health benefits and sets God’s Herbal Blessing Tea apart as a true miracle of nature.


Love, Peace and Light from Naam Tea.


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